30 August 2009

So Fine, Class of '89

My 20-year high school reunion was last night. I don't really have a whole lot to say about it except that I'm really very glad I never went down the tanning booth path that so many of my classmates did. Like, whoa.

We should all have renewed faith in the power of sunscreen

And diet. And exercise.

Having babies clearly changes the body. I'm scared.

The thing is, people were exactly how I expected them to be. This is not to say that it was a bad experience. Not at all. Except for the fact that I started hyperventilating as I approached the entrance. And that I could hardly take a single step once I got into the room. And that I couldn't make eye contact with anyone for the longest time. And that I could only focus on one person at a time. And that some of my best, most natural conversations of the evening were with the spouses of my former classmates. Some of them made really good choices.

Some people got stupidly drunk. Those people are exactly those I figured would.

No, people were the same, more or less. My class was a tough crowd. Then, and now. I still don't like the people I didn't like then. I still like the people I did. I am as neutral as I always was about the people who then barely hit my radar. If I expected anything different, I would have been sorely mistaken.

There really were no big surprises. Except that the night ended way too quickly.

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