It's been a while since I've posted. Actually, I have no idea how long it's been since I've posted. I forgot to check that before I started writing this.
Here's what's new:
1. Patrick and I are getting married next year in April. In Mexico. Most everyone who happens upon this post by accident will not be invited. That includes most of the people I know who might happen upon this post. At this point, no one knows I write this blog.
2. I don't like my job. I work part time as a barista for a very large coffee company based out of Seattle. I'm not going to say the name of the company paying my wages and health insurance. Most everyone will be able to guess it anyway, but just for some sense of decorum, I'll not say it. I am, however, looking for a new job. One that I will be good at and like. Tall order. See what I did there?
3. I applied for a killer job this past week. Put everything I had into the cover letter and rewriting my resume. I got the initial rejection because I don't have experience in one (key) aspect of the job. I could learn that aspect in about 10 seconds if they'd just hear me out. I was told that if the person they're interviewing this week isn't a good match, they'll bring me in to discuss the job with me. I hope that person bombs the interview in the most hellacious, pitiful, embarrassing way. I want that job. It's perfect for me.
4. I gained, like, 10 or 15 pounds in the past couple of years. They just kind of crept up on me. My clothes mostly fit, but they don't fit well. It really sucks because in addition to gaining 10 or 15 pounds, it's more difficult to lose them the older I get. I'm going to turn 40 next year. I don't like that either.
5. I discovered I have food allergies. A bunch of them. Eggs, dairy, gluten. And then I decided to stop consuming soy in almost all its forms. If you read below and see that my most perfect meal is eggs, etc., I don't eat that anymore. I wish I could. I really like eggs. A lot.
6. I threw my back out. Again.
All of this must sound like I'm just a miserable excuse for a human being. I don't think I am. I've got a lot going my way. I'm loved. I'm loved in the most beautiful, crazy, genuine of ways. I'm doing a lot of photography. As much as I want to anyway. I'm good at it. And Im getting better at it.
I need to write more. I'm going to write more.
MARRIED!!! Congratulations! That's lovely news!