16 November 2010

If I could clone him, I would.

06:00 Hello, my name is Monday. Can you find your wallet?

1. Sunday afternoon, run around and do errands, putting wallet in the paper grocery bag for the walk home from the store. (Kick self for not remembering re-usable bags).
2. Unload groceries at home.
3. Use paper bag(s) to sort recycling and garbage.
4. Have Patrick take recycling and garbage to the dumpster in the alley behind the apartment.
5. Watch Dexter.
7. Take shower and go to sleep.
8. Wake up, make coffee, get dressed and kiss Patrick as he leaves for work.
9. Brush teeth, gather stuff for Light Control class after work and grab walle...

Did you look on top of the fridge? Under the sofa? On the dresser? In the closet? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

It's in the dumpster. Or in the recycle. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

Climb in dumpster and rummage through the bags. Turn the recycling upside down. Call apartment manager and ask if he knows the garbage collection schedule. Listen to a rambling, unorganized train of thought that convinces you he's probably been smoking pot all night.

Call Patrick and sob.

Walk to work and continue to sob, feeling mildly grateful it's raining to hide the tears. Regain composure and walk into work as if nothing is wrong. God forbid if anyone's barista has their own life, with actual things on their mind.

07:10 Remember why you're marrying Patrick.

This man ran home (neither of us drive to work), searched the dumpster again, found my wallet, brought it to me, gave me a hug and went back to work.

Monday, you bitch, you can't get me. I have Patrick on my side.

P.S. The garbage and recycling were collected at 09:00.

09 November 2010

Write. Every day.

How people come up with consistently interesting blogposts is a mystery to me.

I'm going to start carrying a notepad and jotting down ideas as they occur to me.

This will not be just a piss-and-moan, complaint department blog.

This will not be a mommy blog (when I actually become a mommy).

This will not be an "I don't know what to write about. So...here's what I had for dinner" blog.

I don't know what this will be.

But I promise to write. A lot. Also, if I told you about this blog, consider yourself among the lucky three. I'm not yet ready to share this with the world. If you're here by sheer accident, keep coming back. Everything will get better.

This is a picture from Todos Santos, where Patrick and I will get married next year.

08 November 2010

An example of just how unmotivated I can be

About 15 years ago, I was in a severe car accident in which I was immobilized, pulled from my dad's SUV and laid on the side of the icy freeway. At that very moment, no one knew the extent of my injuries. Later we would learn that I had broken my shoulder blade. Breaking one's shoulder blade probably seems like no big deal in the grand scheme of all things (I could have actually broken my spine), but in the scheme of today and this past weekend, it's a motherfucking nightmare.

As a wholly relevant aside, I will also point out that my parents and my parents' dog were in the SUV too and they were also injured (though not hospitalized like me). If I had the pictures handy, I would post them here. It was an ugly, mangled mess. We all quite obviously were lucky to survive. But we did and now we laugh about how my dad couldn't stop saying "Do you know what happened? What happened? I don't know what happened..."

Now, back to the motherfucking nightmare part:

Whenever the weather decides to embrace the Pacific Northwest chill, I wonder when I should start adding more layers of clothes. Layers are the hallmark of a good Seattle wardrobe for just about everyone--and for me, it is the difference between a massive back spasm and being able to stand upright. If there's a chill in the air during the short walk home from work, if I suddenly grasp whatever I'm wearing a little tighter around me, the muscles in my back will for sure soon twist and turn themselves into an unrecognizable mass of tight things. I won't be able to stop it.

I could actually exercise. Work out. Strength train. Whatever you want to call it. Any of those things make my back and muscles less fragile.

I don't do that. My "exercise" consists of walking to and from work. Patrick bought me a Wii Fit for my birthday a couple of months ago. If there was a hint in that gift, I failed to take it. Sometimes, however, I do think it's hysterical to do the hula hoop workout (with no actual hula hoop) in the evenings, near the window.

The show lasts 6 minutes.

My next post will have pictures of something good. I promise.

07 November 2010

Random Word Generator: Impregnation

It is really no secret at all that I want to get pregnant. In fact, every single month I manage to convince myself that I might be pregnant. My coworkers have to hear all about it. Additionally, I am often nauseated in the mornings, just in general, because I don't eat breakfast but I drink coffee. It's gotten to the point where all I do is mention needing to eat something or else I'm going to barf and someone says (before I even finish saying it, actually) "I know, I know. What if you're pregnant...?"

I'm very transparent.

All this is to say that we are not actually trying to get pregnant right now. At least not for a few months. We're not not trying though, either. If you know what I mean. What I mean is we are not using any birth control whatsoever. Except for a general guess at when I might be fertile. And then. Well, so far, it's pretty much worked out.

A couple of months ago, I really did think I was pregnant. Really, really thought I was pregnant. I was actually late. Or I thought I was late. Maybe I wasn't. I was busy and may have counted wrong. At any rate, I let myself get more than a little excited before I took a home pregnancy test. The possibility of being pregnant was sweeter than knowing the truth. I wanted to hold on to that feeling for as long as I could.

Patrick had a little bit of a different thought process. I think he was more worried than he thought he would be. Or. Oh, I don't know. The thought of it being a reality and how our lives would (and will) change. He was probably wondering more than a little at how my already decent back and forth moods would get a big push on the proverbial swingset of hormonal choas.

But then I took one test. Negative. But no period. So I took another. Negative. Still no period. On Monday I made an appointment with my doctor for Friday. And wouldn't you know it, on Tuesday I finally got my period. At work. My coworkers knew first.

Then I sent Patrick a text: "Another egg. Wasted."

And then another: "At least I won't be 8 months pregnant at our wedding!"

06 November 2010

Catch up!

It's been a while since I've posted. Actually, I have no idea how long it's been since I've posted. I forgot to check that before I started writing this.

Here's what's new:

1. Patrick and I are getting married next year in April. In Mexico. Most everyone who happens upon this post by accident will not be invited. That includes most of the people I know who might happen upon this post. At this point, no one knows I write this blog.

2. I don't like my job. I work part time as a barista for a very large coffee company based out of Seattle. I'm not going to say the name of the company paying my wages and health insurance. Most everyone will be able to guess it anyway, but just for some sense of decorum, I'll not say it. I am, however, looking for a new job. One that I will be good at and like. Tall order. See what I did there?

3. I applied for a killer job this past week. Put everything I had into the cover letter and rewriting my resume. I got the initial rejection because I don't have experience in one (key) aspect of the job. I could learn that aspect in about 10 seconds if they'd just hear me out. I was told that if the person they're interviewing this week isn't a good match, they'll bring me in to discuss the job with me. I hope that person bombs the interview in the most hellacious, pitiful, embarrassing way. I want that job. It's perfect for me.

4. I gained, like, 10 or 15 pounds in the past couple of years. They just kind of crept up on me. My clothes mostly fit, but they don't fit well. It really sucks because in addition to gaining 10 or 15 pounds, it's more difficult to lose them the older I get. I'm going to turn 40 next year. I don't like that either.

5. I discovered I have food allergies. A bunch of them. Eggs, dairy, gluten. And then I decided to stop consuming soy in almost all its forms. If you read below and see that my most perfect meal is eggs, etc., I don't eat that anymore. I wish I could. I really like eggs. A lot.

6. I threw my back out. Again.

All of this must sound like I'm just a miserable excuse for a human being. I don't think I am. I've got a lot going my way. I'm loved. I'm loved in the most beautiful, crazy, genuine of ways. I'm doing a lot of photography. As much as I want to anyway. I'm good at it. And Im getting better at it.

I need to write more. I'm going to write more.